
Is it also on your bucket list to conquer "The Great Wall of China?"

China is the most populous country in the world.  Beyond that, China is also in the top 5 of the most visited countries in the world. 

I have the desire to travel the "7 Wonders of the World - 2017."  My friend John is joining me on this journey.  The Great Wall of China was our third one. 

The Great Wall has a long history. "It has been existing more than 2,300 years ago, built in different areas by different dynasties. It was built to prevent invasion from northern nations and protect the silk road trade." Silk Road trade is the world's longest and most important overland trade route.

The Great Wall "was built with wisdom, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears.  Families were separated, and many workers died and were buried as part of the Great Wall." 

"Workers of the Great Wall were soldiers, peasants, and rebels.  The materials used were stone, soil, sand, and brick.  And the materials were delivered by hand, rope, cart, and goat."

"The height of the Great Wall was designed to be at least 3 times the height of a man.  It is not just a wall, but it is also a military defensive system with watchtowers, fortresses, and beacon towers."

Our group trip made this travel more fun.  John's friends joined us on this adventure.  Going up to the Great Wall, you have the option to take a gondola or hike.  And going down, you have the option of riding the gondola again or a slide rail. I am not a hiker and not adventurous about taking a slide rail, so we took the gondola. It was a nice view with the colors of fall. 

There are different sections of the Great Wall. The tour guide took us to the most fully and longest restored side that's open to tourists.  

It is recorded that 30 percent of the Great Wall is gone due to erosion and human damage. I saw some bricks falling apart. The Chinese government continues to restore and protect it.

I learned more about the Great Wall after this travel.  I had a deeper understanding of their culture.  I had experienced first hand their history.

A famous advertising word by Chairman Mao, the founder of modern China, says like this - "Until you reach the Great Wall, you're no hero." 

I like this quote a lot, and it has figurative meanings.  It defines my life. I share my personal definition of it by saying that - the road to success is intercepted with bricks, stones, and muds.  And beyond those interceptions, there is a wall that opens to a magnificent fortress. I have reached the Great Wall of China. I may not be a real hero, but I am a survivor. 

There are lots to see and experience in China. We went to the Asian Games Village and Tiananmen Square. It was an early walk with the breeze of fall. We toured a tea factory and tasted different kinds of tea.  We visited the jade factory, and I bought a souvenir pendant. I didn't leave without buying a scarf for my collection. I love Chinese food, and we did taste a little bit of everything.  

I used to visualize myself walking on the Great Wall and wondering how I would feel stepping on it while gazing up to the moon. It happened. I was there. I rested my back on the wall and jumped with joy. 

The Great Wall is an icon of China.  It represents China's culture, resistance, and architecture. It is one of the world's most incredible sights. 

I am happy to have another Wonder of the World checked off my list. There are many more to see. We live in a beautiful world. Conquer, visit, or see them while you can. 


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